The ‘One Health’ concept admits that human health is closely related to the health of the animals and the environment. The study of the pathogens that may cross these barriers is the main focus of this Joint Programme, that is a new instrument of the Horizon 2020 programme, sponsored by the EU.
Each member state provides the net with an organisation from the public health/medicine domain, and also from the food/veterinary sector that are responsible for infectious diseases. These centres represent a solid framework for an integrated research community with the aim of reaching significant progress in the fields of the zoonoses transmitted by food, the resistance to antimicrobials and the emerging threats. In line with the ‘Prevent-Detect-Respond’ concept, the One Health EJP’s goal is to strengthen the collaboration between institutions through the strengthening of the interdisciplinary cooperation and the integration of activities through joint research dedicated projects.
The French Food Safety, Environment and Occupational Safety Agency coordinates this project in which Spain participates through the VISAVET Centre of the Complutense University of Madrid and the National Institute of Agricultural and Food Research and Technology.
The One Health EJP will also have as a goal the development of sustainable programmes and projects beyond their lifespan through the production of a Research and Innovation Strategic Schedule (2021-2030) and a P2P One Health Cooperative Joint Initiative.
It is expected that the project starts in February 2018 with a maximum foreseen cost of €90 million financed jointly (50%) by the European Commission.
Wednesday, 28 June 2017/ Veterinary Health Surveillance Centre-Complutense University of Madrid/ Spain.