On January 14, the Official Journal of the European Union published Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2025/74 of 13 January 2025, imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of lysine originating in the People’s Republic of China.
A provisional anti-dumping duty is imposed on imports of lysine and its esters, salts thereof, and feed additives, consisting of dry weight basis of 68 % or more, but not more than 80 % of L-lysine sulphate, and not more than 32 % of other components such as carbohydrates and other amino acids, currently falling under CN codes ex 2309 90 31 , ex 2309 90 96 , and 2922 41 00 (TARIC codes: 2309 90 31 41, 2309 90 31 49, 2309 90 96 41, 2309 90 96 49) and originating in the People’s Republic of China. The rates of the provisional anti-dumping duty applicable to the net, free-at-Union-frontier price, before duty, of the product described ranges between 58.3% and el 84.8%.
Given this situation, FEFAC president, Pedro Cordero, expressed the deep concern of premix and compound feed manufacturers in the EU about the extremely high level of these tariffs. Currently, the EU depends on China for 60% of its lysine demand (total EU usage is about 500,000 tons equivalent lysine hydrochloride). There are no sufficient alternative supplies from EU production or other third countries that can replace imports from China. Therefore, according to Cordero, this measure may lead to significant adverse economic consequences for the EU feed and livestock sector.
The FEFAC president underlined that FEFAC in no way condones dumping practices distorting fair competition. FEFAC also supports any targeted EC policy measures which could help strengthen the competitiveness of EU feed additive producers, which could reduce strategic dependence on China for critical feed additives. FEFAC therefore urges the EU to recognize essential amino acids and vitamins as “critical materials.”
January 22, 2025/ 333 Staff with information from DOUE and FEFAC.