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European pork exports fell 15%

EU pork exports fell by 15% in 2022, largely due to a 40% decrease in exports to China, the leading destination.

Evolution of pork and pork product exports from the EU to leading destinations over the last 10 years. Source: 333 based on data from DG Agri.

Evolution of pork and pork product exports from the EU to leading destinations over the last 10 years. Source: 333 based on data from DG Agri.

7 March 2023

Last year the European Union exported a total of 5,203,921 t of pork and pork products, representing a 15% decrease compared to 2021, when, suffering a smaller decrease (-3%), EU exports exceeded 6 million tons for the second time.

The main cause of this significant decrease in exports was China, the leading destination, which imported 40% less pork and pork products from the EU last year (1,541,892 t in 2022 vs. 2,574,644 t in 2021). After reaching a 52% share in 2020, the share has been decreasing- to 42% in 2021 and 30% last year. Exports to Hong Kong have also been reduced by almost 50%, and now stand in 13th place with 77,602 t (in 2020 they reached 283,590 t and were in 4th place).

Exports to the United Kingdom, the second leading destination with a 16% share, decreased by 9% to 811,259 tons. Exports to Japan and the Philippines, third and fourth largest destinations respectively, with shares of 9% and 8%, increased by 23% and 21%, reaching 466,511 t and 422,628 t, respectively. Exports to South Korea, with a 6% share, increased by 12% to 318,242 tons.

333 Staf with data from DG Agri.

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