
European Union – EFSA: Scientific Opinion on current pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza and its potential implications for animal health

Following a request from The European Commission, the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on current pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza and its potential implications for animal health.
5 October 2010
Following a request from The European Commission, the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on current pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza and its potential implications for animal health.

Some recommendatios are:

• Clinical signs are not reliable as a basis to decide on the end of an infection with pH1N1 virus in an infected herd/flock because pH1N1 induced signs are variable, non-specific or absent. Therefore, when the health status in regard to excretion of pH1N1 virus from a farm/flock needs to be known, it is recommended to test a number of nasal/oro-pharyngeal swabs (swine) or oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs (poultry) according to the expected within herd/flock prevalence for pH1N1 virus by a specific pH1N1 PCR. Testing should start 14 days after the diagnosis is established and continue at 2 week intervals until no excretion of virus can be demonstrated. In pigs, the focus should be on animals of 8-12 weeks of age.

• There is no urgency for vaccination of pigs against pH1N1 virus. It could be useful, however, to have a specific vaccine, based on the pH1N1 virus, in case of change of the epidemiological situation of the virus in the pig population.

• Monitoring of circulating influenza viruses in swine and poultry populations should be instigated to obtain data to characterize the circulating influenza viruses for further evolution of the pH1N1 virus including changes in virulence etc can be assessed. This information should be shared and analyzed together with similar information from the human health area.


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