The 2011 agricultural year in the EU was characterised by a 3.7% increase in the real agricultural (factor) income1. This is the second year of income increase ( 10% in 2010), following a sharp reduction in 2009 (-13%). The rise in 2011 was the outcome of increases in both the volume of the agricultural output (1.4%) and prices (5.7%) in the agricultural sector.
The increase in animal output value by 7.7% reflects a rise in both, producer prices (6.6%) and volume (1%). Prices increased for milk (9.2%), poultry (8.5%), cattle (8%), equines (7.2%), sheep and goats (5.2%) and pigs (4.4%) but decreased for eggs (-4.7%). Higher volumes were registered for most products except equines (-2.9%) and eggs (-1%).

March 2012/ DG Agriculture and Rural Development/ European Commission/ European Union.