According to Eurostat Statistical book on agriculture, forestry and fishery, with a production of 5.5 million tonnes, corresponding to 25% of the EU total (22 million tonnes), Germany was in 2013 the main producer of pig meat in the European Union, followed by Spain (3.4 mn t or 16%), while France was the main producer of bovine animals meat (1.4 mn t or 19% or EU total production).
France also had the largest production of poultry meat in 2013, just ahead of the United Kingdom and Poland (all around 1.7 mn t). Together, these three Member States accounted for 40% of EU total production of poultry meat. For cows’ milk, Germany (31.3 mn t or 20% of EU total production) and France (24.4 mn t or 16%) were by far the two main producers in the European Union in 2013.
Thursday February 19, 2015/ Eurostat/ European Union.