
European Union - Adoption of a draft agreement between the EU and Norway on agricultural products

The European Commission has adopted a draft decision on further liberalisation bilateral trade in agricultural products between the EU and Norway. It now passes to the Council and the European Parliament for approval.
28 September 2010
The European Commission has adopted a draft decision on further liberalisation bilateral trade in agricultural products between the EU and Norway. It now passes to the Council and the European Parliament for approval.

The proposal is the result of bilateral trade negotiations between the two parties conducted from March 2008 to January 2010, which were initialled on January 29, 2010. The agreement is part of the regular process of progressive trade liberalisation in agriculture foreseen by the EEA Agreement. It will allow the EU exporters to reinforce their position on the Norwegian market. The additional liberalisation represents roughly 20% of the current value of EU exports to Norway; when taking into account already existing bilateral preferences, around 60% of EU exports (in value) to Norway will be completely liberalised.


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