Classical swine fever and African swine fever
1. The programmes for the control and monitoring of:
(a) Classical swine fever submitted by Bulgaria, Germany, France, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia are hereby approved for the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011;
(b) African swine fever submitted by Italy is hereby approved for the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011.
2. The financial contribution by the Union:
(a) shall include a lump sum of EUR 0,5 per domestic pig sampled and of EUR 5 per wild boar sampled;
(b) shall be at the rate of 50 % of the costs to be incurred:
(i) by each Member State referred to in paragraph 1 for the cost of carrying out virological, histological and serological tests of domestic pigs and wild boars;
(ii) for the programmes submitted by Bulgaria, Germany, France and Romania for the purchase and distribution of vaccines plus baits for the vaccination of wild boars; and
(c) shall not exceed the following:
(i) EUR 210 000 for Bulgaria;
(ii) EUR 1 520 000 for Germany;
(iii) EUR 740 000 for France;
(iv) EUR 160 000 for Italy;
(v) EUR 480 000 for Hungary;
(vi) EUR 480 000 for Romania;
(vii) EUR 30 000 for Slovenia;
(viii) EUR 310 000 for Slovakia.EN 25.11.2010 Official Journal of the European Union L 309/ 3. The maximum of the costs to be reimbursed to the Member States for the programmes referred to in paragraph 1 shall on average not exceed for an ELISA test EUR 2,5 per test.
Swine vesicular disease
1. The programme for the eradication of swine vesicular disease submitted by Italy is hereby approved for the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011.
2. The financial contribution by the Union:
(a) shall include a lump sum of 0,5 EUR per domestic pig sampled;
(b) shall be at the rate of 50 % of the cost of laboratory tests; and
(c) shall not exceed EUR 730 000