The Official Journal of the European Union has just published Implementing Regulation (EU) Nº 148/2014 amending Regulation (EC) 1249/2008 as regards categories and classes for recording of market prices in the beef sector and as regards market price for pig carcasses.
As regards the Union scale for the classification of pig carcasses, Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 introduced class S for lean meat content of 60 % or more of carcass weight as an obligatory class and reserved class E for lean meat content of more than 55 % but less than 60 % of carcass weight. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt the provision in Regulation (EC) No 1249/2008 on the basis of which the market prices for pig carcasses in Member States are to be determined.
Tuesday February 18, 2014/ OJEU/ European Union.