EU Member States have yestarday backed a Commission move to close private storage aid for pigmeat, a measure that was opened on 9 March 2015.
Since the measure was introduced, EU pigmeat market prices have stabilised and the weekly uptake by operators has now dropped to modest volumes.

In these circumstances the Commission believes that it is no longer justified to maintain this market intervention, and a proposal to close the scheme was voted on by Member State experts in today's CMO Committee.
In the past 7 weeks, some 65,000 tonnes of pigmeat have been temporarily taken off the market (for 3-5 months) in 18 different Member States. The greatest take-up came in Denmark, Spain and Germany – with smaller volumes also having been stored in Poland, Italy, Netherlands, France and Belgium.
The majority of the cuts covered were boneless cuts (63%)
Wednesday April 29, 2015/ DG-Agriculture/ European Union.