
European Union - EFSA assesses the safety of food irradiation

EFSA’s scientific experts have updated scientific advice on the safety of irradiation of food – a process which can be used to destroy bacteria that cause food poisoning. In its comprehensive advice to EU policy makers, EFSA’s BIOHAZ Panel looked at the efficacy and microbiological safety of the process, and EFSA’s CEF Panel looked at possible risks arising from the formation of several chemical substances as a result of food irradiation.
11 April 2011
EFSA’s scientific experts have updated scientific advice on the safety of irradiation of food – a process which can be used to destroy bacteria that cause food poisoning. In its comprehensive advice to EU policy makers, EFSA’s BIOHAZ Panel looked at the efficacy and microbiological safety of the process, and EFSA’s CEF Panel looked at possible risks arising from the formation of several chemical substances as a result of food irradiation.

EFSA’s experts conclude that there are no microbiological risks for the consumer linked to the use of food irradiation. The practice of irradiation, although effective, should be considered only as one of several processes which can reduce the presence of pathogens in food. They say irradiation should be part of an integrated food safety management programme to protect consumers, which includes good agricultural, manufacturing and hygienic practices.
The experts state that most of the substances formed in food by irradiation are also formed during other types of food processing, with levels comparable to those arising, for instance, from the heat treatment of foods.


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