In 2014, the CVMP received the highest number of requests in a year (29) for the classification of veterinary medicines intended for minor use minor species (MUMS)/limited market. Since its introduction in September 2009, the MUMS/limited market policy has successfully stimulated the development of new veterinary medicines for minor species and for rare diseases in major species, with almost 100 products classified so far.
Among the 20 new veterinary medicines recommended for marketing authorisation in 2014, 11 are for companion animals, including a range of vaccines for dogs, and nine are for food-producing animals, including poultry, pigs, cattle and sheep.
The past year saw the first recommendation of a marker vaccine for the immunisation of pigs against classical swine fever virus. Classical swine fever is a highly contagious disease which can lead to death within two weeks. The disease is usually controlled within the European Union (EU) by ‘stamping out’, which involves the slaughter of all infected pigs and pigs that have been in contact with them. Unlike traditional vaccines, the new vaccine allows the identification of naturally infected animals, whether or not they have also been vaccinated. This makes it a useful tool in eradication campaigns as it opens up the possibility for control of the disease through vaccination rather than slaughter in circumstances where this is appropriate.
Tuesday January 27, 2015/ EMA/ European Union.