
European Union - Final estimates for the compound feed production for the EU-27 in 2009

FEFAC members have provided final estimates for the compound feed production for the EU-271 in 2009. The total production estimate is now set at 147.6 mio. t, i.e. 3.8% below the figure for 2008 (153.4 mio. t). The significant downturn has affected all animal species, in particular cattle feed (around -6%), pig feed (-5%) and, to a lesser extent, poultry feed (-1%).
14 June 2010
FEFAC members have provided final estimates for the compound feed production for the EU-271 in 2009. The total production estimate is now set at 147.6 mio. t, i.e. 3.8% below the figure for 2008 (153.4 mio. t). The significant downturn has affected all animal species, in particular cattle feed (around -6%), pig feed (-5%) and, to a lesser extent, poultry feed (-1%).

Four key factors have weighed on the EU feed demand in 2009:
The dramatic crisis affecting the dairy sector, which triggered a severe contraction of the demand for efficient cattle feed, i.e. compound feed; mainly in the 3rd and 4th quarter;
The continuation of the downward slope of the pig production cycle, amplified by the financial difficulties of pig farmers;
The low market quotations for cereals, with the consequence that farmers had few incentives to put their cereals on the market rather than using them on the farm;
The financial crisis, which led to lower consumer demand for products of animal origin, i.e. to a switch to less expensive animal proteins sources.


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