According to the Eurostat data about the slaughtering of pigs in 2012 and the forecasts for 2013 processed by the Italian National Association of Pig Producers (ANAS), a decrease by 0.4% is foreseen for the EU-27. The most pronounced fall is expected in the Czech Republic (-5.5%), Denmark (-4.7%), Poland (-5.2%) and France (-2.7%). At the same time, in some countries the estimate is towards a higher production: in Spain an increase by 5.3% is expected.
The forecast for the first semester of 2013 in the EU-27 shows a decrease by 1.1%, with the most pronounced falls in France (- 3.7%), Italy (-1.5%), Poland (-3.8%) and The Netherlands (-1.4%), whilst a tendency to increase is expected in other countries as Denmark (+0.5%) and Spain (+1.7%).

Monday November 19, 2012/Osservatorio Nazionale/ Italy.