
European Union - Pigmeat production in 2008

In 2008 pigmeat production in the EU-27reached 259.6 million head (Table 2), of which more than half (54.4%) came from four countries (DE, DK, ES and FR). The EU foreign balance showed a surplus of 1.8 million tonnes (pigmeat and processed pigmeat), i.e. 7% of the slaughtering, but extra-EU trade represented only 14% of the national foreign trade (in volume terms).
18 February 2010
In 2008 pigmeat production in the EU-27reached 259.6 million head (Table 2), of which more than half (54.4%) came from four countries (DE, DK, ES and FR). The EU foreign balance showed a surplus of 1.8 million tonnes (pigmeat and processed pigmeat), i.e. 7% of the slaughtering, but extra-EU trade represented only 14% of the national foreign trade (in volume terms).

Four countries (DK, DE, NL and ES) contributed 62% to the total of extra-EU exports.

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