Eurostat has just published the 2013 edition of the Pocketbook on agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics. This pocketbook, which is aimed at both generalists and specialists, presents tables and graphs providing an overview of the agricultural, forestry and fishery sectors in the European Union.
According to the report, poultry meat aside, production of other meat categories (based on available data for the EU‑27 Member States) was lower in 2012 than in 2011: pig meat production for the EU‑27 declined by 2.1 % to 21.9 million tonnes, although the production of pig meat fluctuated within a relatively narrow range (+/-5 %) during the period 2005–12; beef production (from adult cattle over one-year old) fell relatively sharply (down 4.5 % from 2011–12), confirming the longer-term development of reduced output; veal production (from young cattle under one-year old) declined by 0.9 % from a relative high in 2011, and; the production of sheep meat and goat meat fell by an estimated 3.2 % and 9.9 % respectively between 2011 and 2012, confirming sharp downward trends in the production of both of these types of meat in recent years. By contrast, poultry meat production was 2.3 % higher in 2012 than in 2011, reaching an estimated 12.5 million tonnes in the EU‑28.

Germany produced about one quarter (24.8 % or 5.5 million tonnes) of the EU‑28’s pig meat in 2012, while Spain produced one sixth (15.8 % or 3.5 million tonnes) of the total. After 11 years of consecutive growth, pig meat production in Germany declined in 2012 (down 2.5 % when compared with 2011). By contrast, pig meat production in Spain was almost unchanged in 2012, and only just below its relative peak of 2008.
Thursday November 7, 2013/ Eurostat/ European Union.