
European Union- Russia is still the main pork importer in Europe

The latest data from the European Commission on the principal pork importing countries show Russia as the number one importer, reaching 383.285 tons during the first half of this year, a 16% increase from the same period last year.
23 September 2010
The latest data from the European Commission on the principal pork importing countries show Russia as the number one importer, reaching 383.285 tons during the first half of this year, a 16% increase from the same period last year.

Following is Hong Kong (210.005 t, a 14% increase), Japan (112.455 t, a 13% increase), China (84.783 t, a 5% increase) and South Korea with 52.200 t (in this case there was a 2% decrease with respect tot he same period last year).


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