
European Union - Stalls ban readiness

At the European Union pigmeat price forecasting group in Brussels, the NPA's Barney Kay asked for each member country to indicate its level of preparedness for the 2013 partial stalls ban.
19 October 2010
At the European Union pigmeat price forecasting group in Brussels, the NPA's Barney Kay asked for each member country to indicate its level of preparedness for the 2013 partial stalls ban.

* AUSTRIA — Austria didn't give a figure. The industry had been in the process of planning reinvestment in loose-housed systems, but the current market conditions have slowed progress. Would like producers who have invested relatively recently in stall system to be given a derogation to continue using them for their natural commercial life (15-20 years).
* DENMARK — Denmark says 70 percent of the industry has already converted. Some small units will quit pigs in 2013, but much of the short-fall will be taken up by the expansion of larger units. Nevertheless, overall there will be a fall in the national sow herd.
* GERMANY — The German delegate was unable to say how many producers had converted. He indicated the industry was still some way off being compliant. He predicted problems if small farms closed and new bigger units were proposed as the German public is increasingly opposed to large industrial-scale enterprises.
* IRELAND — Ireland estimates it is 60-70 percent loose-housed. Grants are available to assist producers with the the change-over but they are for existing farms. So if small farms decide to close, larger units cannot get grant funding to expand production.
* GREECE — In Greece 70 percent of pig producers are in real difficulty. Therefore very few will be ready by 2013.
* FRANCE — In France 30-40 percent of producers are compliant, probably accounting for 40-50 percent of pigs.
* ITALY — In Italy about 30 percent of units are ready. A lot of smaller producers will quit rather than convert.
* HUNGARY — Hungary is in the same position as for the change to enriched poultry cages – ie. not at all prepared.
* NETHERLANDS — In the Netherlands two-thirds of the industry is already loose-housed.
* SPAIN — Spain says 30-40 percent of units have already converted. The remaining producers are considering making the changes, but in the current financial climate cannot afford it.
* POLAND — Poland claims its producers never really invested in stalls so is already compliant.


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