
European Union – Increase in duty for live pig imports to Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan

Since January 1, 2010, the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan has increased the duty on live pigs for slaughter from 5% to 40%. Several member states such as Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Estonia have been regularly sending pigs for slaughter to these three countries.
22 January 2010
Since January 1, 2010, the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan has increased the duty on live pigs for slaughter from 5% to 40%. Several member states such as Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Estonia have been regularly sending pigs for slaughter to these three countries.

These countries have brought up this question in the Council of Ministers of the EU this week. They point out that if these duties remain so high the Russian market will be lost which is very important to them as they represent 82% of the community exports of live pigs to Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

(Original in German. Read Google translation here).


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