With over one million samples from the 28 EU Member States, the latest EFSA report in an ongoing series summarises compliance rates with EU residue limits or targets for a range of veterinary medicines and contaminants.
The percentage of non-compliant targeted samples (0.31 %) was comparable to the previous six years (0.25–0.34 %). A higher frequency of non‑compliant samples was reported in 2013 for stilbenes, antithyroid agents, beta‑agonists, carbamates and pyrethyroids, chemical elements (mainly metals) and mycotoxins, compared to the previous six years. Resorcyclic acid lactones had increased in 2013 compared to the previous three years. The frequency of non‑compliant samples was lower compared to previous years, for anthelmintics and dyes. No non‑compliant samples were reported in 2013 for ‘other substances’. In 2012 and 2013, the frequency of non‑compliant samples for steroids and anticoccidials was comparable, however, lower compared to previous years. Compared to 2012, lower frequencies of non‑compliant samples were noted for sedatives and ‘other pharmacologically active substances’. For the other substance groups, there were no notable variations over the seven years. This analysis should be regarded as having a certain degree of uncertainty, as it is based on partially aggregated data and the sampling plans and the spectrum of substances analysed are not necessarily the same every year.

Wednesday November 18, 2015/ EFSA/ European Union.