The recent Good Practice Workshop organized by the EU CAP Network in Zagreb provided an informative platform for assessing CAP Strategic Plan interventions aimed at supporting young and new farmers. Generational renewal is a key component in these plans, responding to the need to attract and retain young people in agriculture.
During the workshop, methods to assess the effectiveness of CAP 2023-2027 policies and measures in fostering generational renewal were discussed. The importance of providing financial and structural support to enable young farmers to establish themselves and develop sustainable agricultural businesses was highlighted.
Among the main barriers identified for generational renewal were:
- land concentration,
- the aging of the agricultural population, and
- difficulties in gaining access to land.
Proposed solutions included:
- support for the start-up of young farmers,
- measures to facilitate access to land, and
- training and consulting programs.
The workshop report highlights the need to coordinate priorities among managing authorities, payment agencies, national networks, and monitoring committees to ensure effective implementation of CAP strategies.
July 17, 2024/ EU CAP Network/ European Union.