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Evolution by country of the EU27 pig census between 2013-2023

In the last 10 years, the total pig census in the EU27 has suffered a decrease of 6%, with a significant increase in Spain and a decrease in Germany.

5 June 2024

During the last 10 years, the total pig census of the EU27 has gone from 142 million heads in 2013 to 134 million in 2023, which corresponds to a decrease of almost 6%, according to Eurostat data.

Evolution of the total pig population in the EU27 between 2013-2023. Source: 333 based on Eurostat data.

Evolution of the total pig population in the EU27 between 2013-2023. Source: 333 based on Eurostat data.

As the following graph shows, the evolution by country has been uneven; while Spain, with the highest pig census since it surpassed Germany in 2015, has increased by 35.13% over the last 10 years, in Germany, in second position, the census has decreased by 25%, as in the rest of the main producers, such as France (-12%), Denmark (-8%), the Netherlands (-13%) and Poland (-11%).

During these 10 years, apart from Spain, only Bulgaria (+23.5%), Portugal (+7.96%) and Italy (+7.12%) have increased their pig populations. The other EU countries have suffered decreases, the most significant in Romania (-38.22%), Slovakia (-36.75%), Lithuania (-35.35%) or Slovenia (-31.98%).

Comparison of total pig populations between 2013 vs. 2023 in the EU27 Member States (x1000 head). Source: 333 based on Eurostat data.

Comparison of total pig populations between 2013 vs. 2023 in the EU27 Member States (x1000 head). Source: 333 based on Eurostat data.

More information on pig populations, production and international trade can be found in the Pig Production Data section.

June 5, 2024/ 333 Staff based on Eurostat data.

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