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Evolution of pig production in France

French pig production has decreased in comparison with 2016.

14 March 2018

France is the third pork producer in the EU, behind Germany and Spain.

The pig herd in 2017 amounted 12.8 million heads, of which 1 million were sows.

France slaughtered some 23.1 million pigs in 2017, and produced 2.1 million tonnes of pork, namely 9% of the European production.

Evolution of pig/pork production

Evolution of pig/pork production

95% of the French pigs are slaughtered at specialised abattoirs. Nine of them have a capacity that exceeds 1 million pigs per year, and they represent a little less than 60% of this activity. They are all located in the regions of Brittany and Pays de la Loire. The two national leader companies, Cooperl Arc Atlantique and Bigard, represent, each, some 20% of the slaughtering capacity in France, with several high-capacity infrastructures.

25 % of the French pork (excluding offal), mainly loin, is sold fresh (70% of it in large- and medium-sized retail stores). 25% is exported to the EU market (Italy, Spain, Belgium, UK, Germany) and to third countries (China, The Philippines), and more than 50% of the French pork is processed into cold meats by the French industry, and mainly bound for the national market (95% of the volume).

February 2018/ France AgriMer.

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