According to a report drafted by the Cereal Stock Market of Cordoba in 2016, pork production in Argentina reached a new record exceeding, for the first time, 500,000 tonnes produced, which implies a growth by 6% with respect to 2015. Due to a competitive price, pork earned its place at the consumers' tables, this being translated as an uninterrupted increase in the per capita consumption in the last 15 years, reaching, nowadays, an average of 12.5 kg/year per person. Despite the good performance in the production field, role models in the sector point out that there has been a loss in profitability with regard to the previous years, mainly due to the increase in costs.

Evolution of the production and consumption of pork in Argentina

On the other hand, pork imports rose by 157%, reaching the highest volume in the last 4 years. This high increase in relative terms is due to a low comparative base in 2015, because regarding the historical viewpoint, the imports are still below the average, whilst in terms of domestic consumption, pork represents only 3% of the total meat consumption. A relevant data is that for the first time the exports were slightly higher than the imports, and this was due to groups of producers that merged to get involved in exporting processes.
Lastly, it is important to highlight that during 2016 the joint red meat consumption reached 110.5 kg per capita, representing a fall by 2.9% in comparison with 2015, when pork (11%) and chicken (38%) reached the highest share with respect to the total, after representing 49% of the total meat consumption at the expense of a lower beef consumption.
Wednesday, 18 January 2017/ Cereal Stock Market of Cordoba/ Argentina.