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World cereal prices rose in May while vegetable oil prices fell

Wheat prices rose for a fourth consecutive month. Palm, sunflower, soy, and rapeseed oils all saw monthly price declines.

7 June 2022

The FAO Cereal Price Index averaged 173.4 points in May, up 3.7 points (2.2%) from April and as much as 39.7 points (29.7%) above its May 2021 value. International wheat prices rose for a fourth consecutive month, up 5.6% in May, to average 56.2% above their value last year and only 11% below the record high reached in March 2008. The steep increase in wheat prices was in response to an export ban announced by India amidst concerns over crop conditions in several leading exporting countries, as well as reduced production prospects in Ukraine because of the war. By contrast, international coarse grain prices declined by 2.1% in May but remained 18.1% above their value a year ago. Slightly improved crop conditions in the United States of America, seasonal supplies in Argentina and the imminent start of Brazil's main maize harvest led maize prices to decline by 3.0%; however, they remained 12.9% above their level of May 2021. Similarly, international sorghum prices also fell in May, declining by 3.1%, while spillover from the strength in wheat markets and concerns over crop conditions in the European Union boosted barley prices by 1.9%. International rice prices increased for the fifth successive month in May. Quotations strengthened in all the major market segments, but monthly increases were least pronounced (2.6%) for the most widely traded Indica varieties, amid ample supplies, especially in India.

The FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index averaged 229.3 points in May, down 8.3 points (3.5%) month-on-month, yet remaining markedly above its year-earlier level. The monthly decline mainly reflects lower prices across palm, sunflower, soy, and rapeseed oils. International palm oil prices weakened moderately in May. Apart from demand rationing, the removal of Indonesia's short-lived export ban on palm oil exerted additional downward pressure on prices, although a further price drop was contained by lingering uncertainties over the country's export prospects. Meanwhile, world price quotations for sunflower oil fell from recent record highs, with stocks continuing to accumulate in Ukraine owing to logistical bottlenecks. International soy and rapeseed oil prices also declined somewhat in May, chiefly weighed by sluggish import demand in view of elevated costs in recent months.

June 3, 2022/ FAO.

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