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International pig meat prices increased in February

The FAO Meat Price Index for pig meat increased in February.

3 March 2023

The FAO Meat Price Index averaged 112.0 points in February, fractionally lower (0.1 points and 0.1%) from January and standing 1.9 points (1.7%) below its value a year ago.

In February, international poultry meat prices fell for the eighth consecutive month, reflecting abundant global supplies compared to softer import demand, notwithstanding avian influenza outbreaks in several leading producer countries. By contrast, international pig meat prices increased, underpinned by market concerns over the low availability of slaughter-ready hogs amid rising internal demand in Europe. Meanwhile, bovine meat prices were stable, following continuous declines since June 2022, as improved import purchases, especially from North Asia, led global demand to balance relatively well with current supplies. International ovine meat prices also remained broadly unchanged, as global demand was adequate to absorb elevated supplies from Australia.

March 3, 2023/ FAO.

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