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Global meat prices have been on the rise for 9 months

In June, price quotations for all meats represented index rose, according to the FAO Meat Price Index.

FAO Meat Price Index. Source: FAO
FAO Meat Price Index. Source: FAO
9 July 2021

The FAO Meat Price Index averaged 109.6 points in June, up 2.2 points (2.1 percent) from its revised value for May, continuing the increases for the ninth consecutive month and placing the index 15.6 percent above the corresponding month last year, but still 8.0 percent below its peak reached in August 2014.

In June, price quotations for all meat types represented in the index rose, primarily underpinned by firm global import demand, as increases in imports by some East Asian countries compensated for a slowdown in China’s meat purchases, especially of pig meat. Tightening export supplies also provided price support across all meat products, reflecting multiple factors, including low poultry meat inventories in the United States of America, limited supply of slaughter-ready animals in Brazil and Oceania, and some recovery in food services sales in major exporting countries.

July 8, 2021/ FAO.

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