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Global meat prices increased in March

Pig meat prices increased, mainly reflecting higher internal demand ahead of the Easter holidays.

8 April 2024

The FAO Meat Price Index averaged 113.0 points in March, up 1.9 points (1.7%) from February, marking the second consecutive monthly increase. At this level, the index stood only 1.7 points (1.5%) below its corresponding value a year ago.

FAO meat price index. Source: FAO.
FAO meat price index. Source: FAO.

Pig meat prices also increased, mainly reflecting higher internal demand ahead of the Easter holidays, notwithstanding increased supplies especially in Western Europe.

FAO pig meat price index. Source: FAO.
FAO pig meat price index. Source: FAO.

International poultry meat prices increased in March, underpinned by continued steady import demand from leading importing countries, despite ample supplies mostly sustained by reduced avian influenza outbreaks in major producing countries. World bovine meat prices continued to rise in March, mainly due to increased purchases by leading importing countries. By contrast, international ovine meat prices fell for the second consecutive month, principally driven by a surge in supplies exceeding seasonal levels, especially from Australia.

April 5, 2024/ FAO.

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