
FDA revised draft guidance on compounding animal drugs

The draft guidance acknowledges that in cases where there is no FDA-approved drug that can be used to treat a particular condition, a drug compounded from bulk drug substances may be a medically appropriate treatment. Agency also accepting nominations to list of bulk drug substances.

25 November 2019

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a new draft guidance for industry (GFI) #256, “Compounding Animal Drugs from Bulk Drug Substances,” which addresses situations in which, if the guidance is finalized, the FDA does not intend to take action for certain violations of the Food, Drug, & Cosmetic Act when pharmacists and veterinarians compound or oversee the compounding of animal drugs from bulk drug substances:

  • to fill patient-specific prescriptions for nonfood-producing animals;
  • to compound “office stock” (certain drugs kept in the veterinarians’ supply) for nonfood-producing animals and
  • to compound antidotes for food-producing animals.

The draft guidance acknowledges that in the limited circumstances where there is no FDA-approved, conditionally approved, or indexed drug that can be used to treat an animal with a particular condition, an animal drug compounded from bulk drug substances may be a medically appropriate treatment.

Drug compounding is the process of combining, mixing or altering ingredients to create a medication tailored to the needs of an individual animal or a small group of animals. Animal drugs compounded from bulk drug substances do not undergo review by the FDA, meaning that the FDA has not determined that these unapproved products are safe and effective for their intended use. Because of the safety benefits and protections of the pre-market review process and post-market monitoring of FDA-approved, conditionally approved and indexed drugs, veterinarians should only use drugs compounded from bulk drug substances if FDA-approved, conditionally approved or indexed drugs are not available to treat the animal.

The FDA previously published draft guidance GFI #230, “Compounding Animal Drugs from Bulk Drug Substances” for public comment in May 2015. But after receiving feedback from stakeholders, the agency withdrew the guidance. FDA is publishing this new draft guidance for public comment and will actively engage stakeholders to gather feedback and comment on the agency’s position as described in draft guidance GFI #256.

Starting today, the agency is also accepting nominations to the “List of Bulk Drug Substances for Compounding Office Stock Drugs for Use in Nonfood-Producing Animals or Antidotes for Food-Producing Animals.

The FDA will continue to engage with the veterinary, pharmacy, compounding and animal health industries to ensure the unique viewpoints of all stakeholders are heard.

November 19, 2019/FDA/ USA.

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