According to the State Statistical Office, 1.26 million pigs were kept in Baden-Württemberg on November 3 of this year. This represents a decrease of around 50,000 pigs (-4%) compared to the survey from November of the previous year. There was also a further decrease in the number of pig farms. Compared to the previous year, their number fell by 8% to 1,510 farms.
In addition, the number of farms keeping breeding sows fell by 5% to 620. However, the herd is more stable, falling by only 1% to 101,500 sows.
The number of fattening pigs fell only slightly (-2%) to 503,600 animals. However, the high proportion (12%) of heavy fattening pigs weighing 110 kg or more live weight is striking. In the previous ten years, the average was only 10%.
December 14, 2023/ Baden-Württemberg State Statistical Office/ Germany.