The funds allocated will help national authorities in the Member States to identify and act against the outbreaks that can have a serious impact on human health, economy and trade.
In the animal health area, €150 million was awarded to support the eradication, control and surveillance for 131 programmes, including Bovine Tuberculosis, Rabies, Salmonellosis, Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies and Bovine Brucellosis. In addition, to tackle African swine fever, €9.5 million has been allocated in 2017 (more than a €2 million increase, compared to 2016).

In the plant health area, EU has committed close to €14 million to support the survey programmes for 46 plant pests in 24 Member States in 2017, the highest financial allocation going to the fight against of Xylella fastidiosa pest.
Wednesday February 1, 2017/ EC/ European Union.