Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira demonstrated to the European Commission in January 2016 Finnish competence in pig welfare. Unlike in almost all the other EU states, the tails of pigs are not docked in Finland. Finnish pig farming expertise is exported elsewhere in Europe to serve as a model.
Representatives of the European Commission as well as experts from several member states acquainted themselves with pig husbandry in Finland. They were particularly interested in seeing how the farming of undocked pigs can be successfully implemented in Finland. Pig tail-docking has been banned completely in Finland since 2002. In almost all the other EU countries the tails of pigs are docked to prevent tail biting.

Finland has already for years invested in factors that contribute to the welfare of pigs, such as enrichment, suitable flooring, adequate feeding, stocking density and health care.
The objective of the European Commission is that tail docking can be given up in all EU member states in compliance with the Finnish model. Finnish competence and good pig farming practices are utilised as an example for the other EU countries.
”Pig producers, meat industry, health care system and authorities have together improved the welfare of pigs in Finland. This would not have been possible without cooperation and commitment”, Ms. Mikkola stresses.
Tuesday February 2, 2016/ EVIRA/ Finland.