The veterinary authorities of North Macedonia have informed the OIE of the first outbreak of African swine fever in the country.
The first clinical signs were detected by the owner of a backyard farm with 18 susceptible animals, of which there were 3 cases located in Dramce (Delčevo), in the east of the country, on December 29, 2021. The first dead animals were reported on January 1, 2022. On January 5, 2022, blood, swabs, and tissue samples were taken for laboratory examination to detect the presence of African swine fever virus. Positive results were obtained on January 6, 2022 by real-time PCR at the laboratory of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Skopje.

The affected farm was at medium risk in terms of the application of biosecurity measures. According to the epidemiological investigation, one of the possible modes of entry of the disease is contact with wild boar. On January 7, the food and veterinary agency issued the decision on protection and control measures establishing a three-kilometer protection zone and a ten-kilometer surveillance zone and the measures to be applied on the farm and in the distinct zones. On January 10, a stamping-out policy was implemented on all pig farms in the three-kilometer zone.

January 13, 2021/ OIE.