The first case of African swine fever (ASF) in Emilia-Romagna was confirmed in the municipality of Ottone in a wild boar. The case in Ottone was reported by a hunter in Ottone and reported to the Veterinary Service of the Azienda USL of Piacenza. Following the call, a veterinarian immediately went to the indicated location and, via a mountain road, laboriously retrieved the carcass for examination at the Piacenza Section of the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna.
Extraordinary measures for the surveillance, prevention, and control of the disease were already in force in the municipality and also in neighboring municipalities, with restrictions on hunting activity, regulation of outdoor activities, and restrictions on the movement of domestic pigs depending on the biosecurity level of the farms. These are measures that were established by an Order of the President of the Regional Council (142/2023), following cases that had been confirmed in wild boars found dead near regional borders, particularly in Piedmont and Liguria, where the disease has spread widely since January 2022.

A meeting of the Regional Crisis Unit and the Territorial Operations Group (GOT) is scheduled for November 13 to decide whether further measures are needed to stop the spread of the disease.
November 11, 2023/ Emilia Romagna Region/ Italy.