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Mexico: First quarter pork production and trade

Mexican pork production and imports saw increases in the first quarter while exports contracted.

Variations % with respect to the same period of 2021. Figures in thousands of tons. Sources: Mexican Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - SNIIM - GCMA - USDA.

Variations % with respect to the same period of 2021. Figures in thousands of tons. Sources: Mexican Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - SNIIM - GCMA - USDA.

18 May 2022
Variations % with respect to the same period of 2021. Figures in thousands of tons. Sources: Mexican Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - SNIIM - GCMA - USDA.

Variations % with respect to the same period of 2021. Figures in thousands of tons. Sources: Mexican Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - SNIIM - GCMA - USDA.

Pork production reached 414,220 tons (t) at the close of the first quarter of the year, up 2.67% from the same period in 2021 (403,430 t). Preliminary international trade figures indicate a 24.2% growth in the volume of imports for the period, increasing from 294,512 t to 365,643 t. However, exports stood at 59,312 t, a reduction of 22.5% compared to the same period of 2021, when a volume of 76,524 t was reached.

As for live hog prices, they exhibited a cyclical behavior during the quarter, showing a steady decline that continued from January until mid-March, when they began to recover and show an upward trend. The average price for the period stood at MXN$31.2/kg, representing an increase of 12.7% compared to the same period of 2021 (MXN$27.7/kg).

Annual forecasts

According to the latest agri-food outlook report published by the Agricultural Market Advisory Group (GCMA), it is estimated that by 2022 pork production will grow by 2.5% with respect to 2021, reaching 1.75 million tons. On the other hand, according to the latest estimates report for livestock and poultry published by the USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service on April 6, Mexican imports will grow by 3.9% with respect to 2021, reaching a record 1.2 million t, while exports will grow by just 0.3%, reaching 320,000 t.

For more information on pork production and trade, visit our section: "Pig production data"

Economic Analysis Department of 333 Latin America with data from: Grupo Consultor de Mercados Agrícolas (GCMA)/ Mexico.
Foreign Agricultural Service - USDA/ United States.

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