The European Commission has awarded a total of €32.5 million, for the years 2016 and 2017, to support the 43 EU Reference Laboratories (EU-RLs) designated for food and feed safety, as well as animal health.
EU Reference Laboratories provide essential scientific and technical support, as well as advice on improved laboratory techniques, to the national laboratories in the Member States (i.e. developing analytical laboratory methods, organising know-how tests and training of Member States laboratory staff).

The area of the EU Reference Laboratories' specialised activity is very broad, ranging from pesticides and GMOs to animal health issues and food products testing. The assistance they provide to Member States ensures high-quality and uniform testing and controls when applying EU food and feed legislation. The ultimate goal of this network, unique in the world, is to ensure the highest level of food safety for all European citizens.
Thursday January 29, 2016/ EC/ European Union.