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Russian wheat harvest forecast raised 2 million tons

The Institute of Agricultural Market Studies raised the base forecast for wheat harvest in Russia this year by 2 million tons, to 87 million tons.

1 July 2022

The Institute of Agricultural Market Conditions increased the base forecast of wheat harvest in the Russian Federation this year by 2 million tons, to 87 million tons due to the fact that the sown areas under spring wheat will be larger than expected. The previously threatening weather in Urals and Siberia has stabilized and the central and the Volga region are experiencing favorable weather conditions. These factors have contributed to the increase in the harvest estimate and will offset the reduction of crops in the south.

The institute reduced the wheat harvest estimate in the two southern federal districts mainly due to the dry winds that have been blowing there for two weeks which is not good for crops.

The forecast for the grain harvest as a whole in Russia rose by 2 million tons, to 133.5 million tons.

The estimated export potential of Russian wheat for the new crop year (July 2022-June 2023) was increased to 41 million tons against 39 million tons. The export potential for grain as a whole is projected at 52 million tons.

June 10, 2022/ Interfax/ Russia.

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