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France: action by the French veterinarians

The call was maintained, while waiting for the new text agreed on to be presented for its approval by the Council of Ministers next November 13th.

12 November 2013

Last Monday there was a meeting in France between the Minister of Social Affairs and Health, Ms. Marisol Touraine, the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Stéphane Le Foll, and representatives of the National Council of Veterinarians and veterinarians' unions, during which the grounds of a commitment by the veterinarians for reducing the use of critical antibiotics were established.

At the request of the veterinarians, it was agreed that the distinction measure between the prescription and the selling of antibiotics forecasted initially would be replaced for several regulations that will be introduced in the bill for the future of agriculture, feeding and forestry: a goal figure regarding the use of critical antibiotics, the establishment of veterinary reference antibiotics and the reinforcement of the good practices recommendations.

In spite of the agreement reached by the ministers regarding the withdrawal of the distinction measure, the French veterinarians kept the call for a strike scheduled for Wednesday November 6th.

The strike, which is the first one in 40 years and that gathered an important number of veterinarians on the streets of Paris and that implied the closing of the majority of the veterinary offices, respecting only the emergency services, kept the veterinarians waiting for the new agreed text to be presented for its approval by the Council of Ministers of next November 13th.

Monday November 4, 2013/ Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l’Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt/ France. http://agriculture.gouv.fr/
Wednesday November 6, 2013/ SNVEL/ France.

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