The OIE/WOAH has confirmed the presence of Aujeszky's disease-positive pigs with the ELISA test on a pig farm located in Saint Martin les Eaux (Alpes-De-Haute-Provence) and on another pig farm located in Monteux (Vaucluse). There is a distance of 90 km between both farms.
They are two fattening farms with free-range pigs that are related, because in the case of the Monteux farm (40 susceptible and 3 positive pigs), animals from the Saint Martin les Eaux farm (767 susceptible and 2 positive animals) had been introduced.
According to the OIE/WAOH, the pigs from the first outbreak would have become infected due to the contact with wild boars.
None of the two farms had shown clinical signs. The serology tests were positive within the framework of the programmed surveillance.
Wednesday, April 24th, 2019/ OIE.