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France: Brittany sets up a health plan for the importation of pigs

The health-minded body Porc Bretagne OVS has decided to launch a device for protecting the health status of the region.

3 April 2012

The health-minded body OVS Porc Bretagne, made up of pork producers, veterinarians, laboratories, feed manufacturers and slaughterhouses has decided to launch a device for protecting the region’s health status.
The area has a structural deficit of piglets and increased imports of pigs may jeopardize the health status of the 3,200 farms in the area unless precautions are taken.
While existing legislation already protects the pigs against different diseases like Aujeszky's, Swine fever, and FMD, there is none for other diseases such as PRRS or dysentery. In this situation the OVS has decided to develop a health certificate that must be signed by the pig producer, a veterinarian and the merchant who carries the pigs. Movements must be reported to the database BDporc.

Thursday March 22, 2012/ La France agricole/ France.

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