The French cooperative Cooperl, the main pig producer in France, has decided, after its board's deliberation and voting, to pay its live pigs supplier partners a provisional base price that has in mind the market situation. This decision became effective on Monday September 28th.
This price will be communicated to all the members every week. Its is a provisional price that, if the conditions allow it, will be improved.
In the face of the French pig production crisis last June, the Government laid on the table the possibility of agreeing on a price of €1.40. According to Cooperl, this price, that is beneficial in the short term for the farmers, has moved the crisis to the abattoirs, because they buy the French pigs at higher prices and sell at loss because the live animals' prices in the European markets are lower. To ensure their survival, and that of their members and employees, Cooperl announced this disagreement to the Marché du Porc Breton (MPB), retiring from the MPB last August.
Friday, 25 September 2015/ Cooperl Arc Atlantique/ France.