According to the data supplied by the French statistics service (Agreste), during last March pig production, that amounted to almost 2 million animals, dropped by 3.1% with respect to March 2012, and pork consumption fell by 3.2%.
During March 2013, pork exportations dropped by 3.2% in comparison with March 2012. The decreased affected the exportations to other EU member countries, whilst the shipments to third countries increased slightly. The drop was significant in the case of the exportations to the United Kingdom (- 1,300 tons) and Germany (- 700 tons).
On the other hand, the importations also dropped by 1.5% (- 800 tons). The importations from Italy (- 900 tons) and Denmark (- 900 tons) fell, whilst the importations from Germany (+ 1,400 tons) increased.
May 2013/ Info Rapides-Agreste/ France.