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France: decrease in the exposure of animals to antibiotics

The goals regarding the decrease in the use of antibiotics have not only been attained but exceeded.

17 October 2017

The last data offered by the ANSES show a drop by 37% in the exposure of animals to antibiotics during the 2012-2016 period. It is good news bearing in mind that the initial goal was 25%. The decrease is even higher in the case of the critical antibiotics, with drops ranging 75-81% for fluoroquinolones and new-generation cephalosporins.

Apart from the figures, the Écoantibio plan has also provided training to veterinarians and farmers, as well as communication campaigns specially aimed at the owners of pets.

The second Écoantibio plan (2017-2021) must keep on with the good results and strengthen this positive and responsible dynamics. This is the reason why a new communication campaign, with the motto “Les antibios, comme il faut, quand il faut” (“Antibiotics, properly and when needed”) aimed at farmers has been launched.

Friday, October 6th, 2017/ Ministry of Agriculture and Food/ France.

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