According to data from Agreste, the number of agricultural and livestock holdings has decreased by 8% between 2010 and 2013, from 490,000 to 450,000. This decline has continued at an average annual rate close to that of the previous decade (−3% per year.) By contrast, the decrease in the agricultural land area used by these farms (UAA) has been minimal (−0.3% in three years.)
Medium and large farms, with standard gross production (SGP) values over €25,000 represent more than two thirds of the total number of agricultural units and mobilize 90% of the total workload. Given the favourable trend in prices during this period, the number of holdings of major economic importance (SGP over €100,000) increased by 9% in 2010. Totalling 176,000 farms, they are the most numerous. By contrast, the number of small and medium-sized farms (SGP < €100,000 PBS) decreased by 20% and 12%, respectively, compared to 2010.

Thursday, June 18, 2015 / Agreste / France.