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France: deficit in the pork trade

The French year-over-year exports rate of all the products dropped by 2.5%, reaching 732,000 tonnes in 2015.

31 May 2016

As published by the IFIP, during 2015, the French pork trade balance dropped once more, with a slight surplus in terms of volume (+22,000 tonnes), and with a noticeable deficit in terms of volume (€440 million).

The French year-over-year exports rate of all the products dropped by 2.5%, reaching 732,000 tonnes in 2015. The sales to the EU members represented 70% of the volume, a decrease by 8%. On the other hand, the exports to third countries rose (+ 3%), especially thanks to the Chinese demand by the end of 2015. The total value of the exports reached €1.3 million, 8% less in 2015 in comparison with 2014. The trade within the EU fell by 13% in terms of value, under the influence of the decrease of the price of pig by 11%. Regarding all the destinations, the processed products represented 10% of the volume and 25% of the value of the exports.

Among the main clients of French pork, Italy still holds the first place, although the exports dropped by 20% in 2015, reaching 100,000 tonnes. At the same time, the sales to China grew by 38%. Regarding the monthly average since April 2015, China has become the main destination of the French exports. Neverteheless, the volumes exported to The Philippines, South Korea and Hong Kong have decreased.

Exports France



Baromètre porc de l’Ifip - April 2016/ France.

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