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France expects lowest corn production since 1990

Spring crops suffered from drought and high temperatures. As a result, yields have fallen sharply, especially for non-irrigated corn.

16 September 2022

On September 1, 2022, cereal production was revised slightly upward: soft wheat and barley production are estimated at 34.1 million tonnes (Mt) and 11.4 Mt, respectively. The same is true for rapeseed production, estimated at 4.5 Mt.

On the other hand, spring harvests have been revised downward, caused by the drought, which has severely affected yields. Grain corn production (excluding seed), estimated at 11.3 Mt, is expected to be the lowest since 1990. Feed corn production is forecast to yield 14.5 Mt. Sunflower and soybean production, estimated at 1.9 Mt and 0.4 Mt, respectively, will decline throughout the year despite the sharp increase in acreage. Protein crop production is also revised downward to 0.7 Mt.

September 13, 2022/ Agreste/ France.

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