In the face of the financial problems that the French pig producers are facing, and according to statements of some of their leaders, that say that between late October and early April the farms lost an average of 26,000 euros, and that since the beginning of April they lose an average of 10,000 euros per month, last Monday night, a group of pig producers intercepted, in Mayenne and Côtes-d'Armor, refrigerated lorries in order to control the origin of the transported meat.
According to Didier Lucas, director general and president of the swine section of the FDSEA: "We lack some 30 euro cents per kilo of pork".
In the face of this situation, considered as unsustainable by the French farmers, the French Minister of Agriculture declared, during an interview given to radio France Info, his intention of increasing the pig prices.
The French swine producers also demand the generalisation of the logotype "Viande Porcine Française", although there are divisions with respect to the question regarding the compulsory labelling showing the origin of the meat. Farmers and abattoirs show themselves in favour, whilst the pork butchers (that use 20% of foreign pork to prepare their products) object.
Tuesday may 14, 2013/ Le Monde / France.