In 2019 France maintained the volume of pigs slaughtered compared to the previous year, with 2.2 million tons carcass weight, 0.9% more than in 2018.
The average carcass weight was 93.2 kg. The fattening pig was 0.5 kg heavier than in 2018 and 1 kg heavier than the average of the last five years. The high demand for exports and exceptional price of pork made it possible to optimize fattening.

Better performance offset the relative stability of the number of head slaughtered: more than 23.5 million pigs, a level close to that of 2018 (+ 0.2%). This stabilization was already observed in 2018 (+0.2% in number of animals and +0.4% in weight compared to 2017).
January 24, 2020/ Agreste/ France.