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France: important fall of the use of antibiotics in pigs

During the last 5 years, the exposure of pigs to antibiotics has fallen a 28.8%.

20 November 2012

According to the data published by the French Health Safety National Agency (ANSES), during the past year the total sales of antibiotics were 913.6 tons, the lowest value since the monitoring started. The results from year 2011 confirm the decrease in the volume of sales seen in previous years (-31.2% since 1999, -31.1% in the last 5 years, -9.9% between 2010 and 2011).

In 2011, the exposure of the animals to antibiotics fell a 3.7% with respect to the previous year. In the case of cattle, pigs, rabbits, fowl, and domestic carnivores, the exposure to antibiotics has decreased in the last 5 years, with a significant fall in the case of the pigs and rabbits exposure of a 28.8% and a 26.0%, respectively. Between 2010 and 2011 the exposure to antibiotics has fallen an 8.6% in the case of pigs, a 6.9% in rabbits, a 4.0% in fowl, a 3.6% in cattle and a 5% in domestic carnivores.

November 2012/ ANSES/ France.

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