Following a procedure that required the approval of the European Commission and an important legislative work finalized in the Egalim2 law of October 2021, France published a decree to reinforce the indications of origin of meat in restaurants.
Thus, as of March 1, 2022, the origin of meat (pork, poultry, lamb, sheep) served in all catering services outside the home (cafeterias, restaurants, company restaurants) will have to be indicated, as has been the case for beef since 2002. The labeling of the origin of the meat must mention the country in which the animal was raised and the country of slaughter, whether for fresh, refrigerated, frozen, or deep-frozen meat. This information on the origin of meat was already provided to consumers in supermarkets and butcher's shops, but not in restaurants.

This new requirement responds to strong consumer demand for transparency and traceability regarding the origin of the products they consume. With the publication of this decree, the government is responding to a legitimate request and providing more information so that consumers can make informed choices about the food they consume.
January 28, 2022/ Ministry of Agriculture and Food/ France.